Case Studies

When circumstances allow – I am keen to start a ‘multi bed clinic’ as well as my practice at home.  The purpose of a multibed is to treat a greater number of people at a lower cost, a model which is popular in America. I am also looking at bringing Acupuncture/NADA to marginalised groups in the area, and keen to start NADA sessions for women experiencing side effects of chemotherapy for Breast Cancer – and for men with Prostate Cancer.  

Do get in touch if you have connections in this area and you would like to help make this happen!


Patient Feedback

Feeling cold and lack of energy

I enjoy the opportunity to relax once a week – I’m glad Fiona found a way to treat me without needles.

Andreea, 35


On my first visit to Fiona, it was more like a therapy session, she took so much time to listen and to get a thorough history from me. She listened with kindness and empathy and made me feel validated which a western Dr has never done. Since I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I have been a slave to prescription medications, which I am managing to reduce thanks to Fiona and her needles. Acupuncture is really helping with the daily pain and my sleep is so much better than it was. I always come away feeling so relaxed, I nap for a couple of hours pain free which is a game changer! I want to thank Fiona for her care and attention, she always tweeks the treatment depending on how I am feeling that day. I can’t wait to see what the future holds as we move on to more treatments

Wendy, 50

Lower back pain and morning sickness

I had one treatment for lower back pain and morning sickness during the first trimester, a one hour treatment and no further issues throughout the pregnancy.

Aleesha, 31

Grief and anxiety after child loss

I felt a weight had been lifted so I could begin to heal.

Nicki, 40

Lower back pain and physically demanding job

After three treatments the back pain subsided dramatically, and my focus improved at work.

Shelley (Nurse), 40

Shoulder and lower back pain

I now have 90% mobility in my shoulders, and 90% pain free, just pain in the morning sometimes. My lower back has been slower to respond, but still improved, and I hope with time we can reach similar results as my shoulders.

Alistair (Retired), 83

Anxiety, panic attacks and lack of sleep

My anxiety, panic attacks and lack of sleep all improved after treatment.

S.S, 17

Menopausal symptoms

After one treatment my hot flushes and balance improved, and continues to do so.

Rosemary, 67